Local Tourism Industry Goes Green – Zero Plastic Waste Resort In Hoi An

In boosting ‘green’ tourism, the central province of Quang Nam has introduced the Silk Sense Hội An River Resort as the first ‘zero plastic waste’ destination to expand its sustainable hospitality brand. In boosting green tourism as a unique attraction, the central province of Quảng Nam has introduced the Silk Sense Hội An River Resort […]

Quang Nam: Pioneer Resort In The Green Direction “Hotel Without Plastic Waste”

With the orientation of making Hoi An a “Green Tourism” destination, Quang Nam Tourism Association and City People’s Committee. Hoi An, in collaboration with tourism businesses in Hoi An, has made continuous efforts to reduce waste into the environment. Thanks to that, Hoi An tourism industry has had destinations with the theme of “Zero waste”. […]

Silk Sense Hoi An River Resort Becomes The First Zero-Plastic Waste Resort In Quang Nam

On September 9, in Hoi An (Quang Nam), Silk Sense Hoi An River Resort officially announced that the hotel no longer has plastic waste released into the environment and no more single-use plastic items. The Resort has zero plastic waste At the ceremony, Mr. Tran Thai Do – Investor of Silk Sense Hoi An River […]

The First Resort In Hoi An Without Plastic Waste

TTTĐ – On the morning of September 9, in Hoi An city, Quang Nam province, Silk Sense Hoi An River Resort officially announced that the hotel no longer has plastic waste released into the environment and no more single-use plastic items. Speaking at the event, Mr. Vu The Binh, Chairman of the Vietnam Tourism Association […]

Piloting A Set Of Criteria To Recognize Plastic-Free Tourism Businesses

DNO – On September 9, at the ceremony to announce “Hotel without plastic waste” for Silk Sense River Hoi An resort (Quang Nam), Chairman of Vietnam Tourism Association Vu The Binh said that it will apply Piloting a set of criteria for recognizing zero plastic waste tourism businesses at hotels, resorts…, to replicate plastic waste […]

The Seminar On “Green Tourism On The Cultural Foundation Of Quang Nam”

On the afternoon of September 16th, in Hoi An City, the People’s Committee of Quang Nam province collaborated with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Vietnam and the Quang Nam Tourism Association to organize a seminar on “Green Tourism on a Cultural Foundation”. This is an activity in the series of […]